All those who are connected with social media are well aware of WhatsApp. Whatsapp is a social media messing app that is used by millions of people. In today's time, there is no such messaging app that can hit WhatsApp, so WhatsApp comes first in the list of messaging apps. As we all know, we get a group feature in WhatsApp. Any WhatsApp user can create a group on WhatsApp and also add other people to that group as well. If you are a WhatsApp user then you may have also faced this problem, without your permission other people add you to a WhatsApp group, so that you do not want to join. So far, what has been a major problem in WhatsApp is that any user could add any user to any WhatsApp group, but now this problem has ended. 

Various changes have been made in WhatsApp's privacy settings, according to the new updates to WhatsApp. Now no one can add you to any WhatsApp group without your approval unless you want to. For this, you have to make some changes to the privacy settings of your WhatsApp account.

   Step 1:   First you have to open WhatsApp and Tap on Three Dots on the top right. After tapping on Three Dots, you will need to tap Settings to go to Settings.

   Step 2:   After going to Settings, you need to tap on the Account, if you tap on the Account, you will get the option of Privacy, then you have to tap on this. After tapping on Privacy you will have to scroll down a bit and you will see the Group's option. 


   Step 3:   Now you have to tap on the Group, after tapping on the Group, you get three options here: (1) Everyone. (2) My Contacts. (3) Nobody.

   Step 4:   If you choose Everyone option, then everyone can add you to the group, but if you choose My Contacts option, only your contacts will be able to add you to a WhatsApp group. And in the same way, if you choose the Nobody option, nobody will be able to add you to any WhatsApp group.

You have to choose Nobody option if you do not want anyone to add you to any WhatsApp group.
After choosing the Nobody option, you have to tap Done so that the changes you made in the settings will be saved.

done !! No one will be able to add you to any WhatsApp group. You can also change the settings whenever you want like if you want other users to add you to the WhatsApp group, you can change the settings.